Thursday, May 8, 2014

untuk dia


post ni mungkin boleh jadi luahan hati saya sendiri..
walaupun agak segan sebenarnya, tapi, saya nak tulis jgak :)

post ini berkaitan dengan si dia..
die ni budget cool je. :P

kalau dulu waktu study, and smthing happen, saya cari dia.
apa yang buat saya boleh dekat dengan si dia ni is, mungkin interest kami sama.
cara fikir kami sama.

kadang-kadang dia ni suka buat benda gila.
pernah ajak saya starring at stars waktu lepas solat subuh. atau sebelum subuh.
*hampir lupa*

kadang-kadang saya rasa dia ni kind of heartless jugak. urmm..
kind of la..
sepanjang waktu saya dekat dengan dia, ada je rasa geram dan tak boleh terima cara dia.
just a little la . tapi mungkin sebab kami rasa benda yang sama, that make me just ok with her.

tapi serious it quite a long time off contact with her.
seriously !

just want u to know this,even we far from each other, and even we take a different path in this life journey, and maybe we could make some argument on some ideology in the way we see the point of view, yet we still together striving to jannah insyaAllah.

even our mindset might change a little because of our stand today, its not the end of our relationship. isn't?

hihi ><

#just suddenly u come crossed of my mind and my day while starring to this rain#

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